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Garbage is Great! A FISHY THRILLER

a training series, created by Hiroko, is based on the book Garbage is Great! A Fishy Thriller by Moira and Bert Shaw.

       Inspired by the spirit of  “unstoppable longing to become one with truth” – which the little Pearl Fish embodies -- this series conveys a process of “accepting life on its terms” through the phases of “survival, change, and evolution.”  For, we live not only what the world offers, but also a world we create.



                    Cover of Garbage is Great! A Fishy Thriller by Bert & Moira Shaw 


       Bert Shaw and Moira Shaw wrote this in their synopsis of their book: Garbage is Great! is a twenty-first century myth to live by.  It’s an environmental “thriller” about survival, change, and evolution.  This is a tale of matters fundamental to being human and living the enduring essential principle of “accepting life on its terms,” which would be good for us to know.  It is through mastering our human difficulties and accepting them as part of life (“50/50”), that we create the bridge between life as we know it and the “limitless world!”


       In this series, using the Pearl Fish as a metaphor, we learn to pierce through and expand our desires, wisdom, and courage, first by purifying consciousness, then by transforming world energy.


       The Garbage is Great! training series consists of ten separate meetings, and it takes two-to-three years to move through all of its three phases survival, change, evolution.


       The first five meetings are devoted to survival and change; the focus is on cultivating a healthy adult ego (50/50 consciousness) by purification.  On this foundation, the next five meetings build an expanded spirit of evolution; the focus is on transforming energy.


       The power can release your own power to be inspired and energized by yourself (#186).  The constructive and flexible 15 steps of the entire 50/50 work process underpins this series and guides you to your unique way of becoming a “Garbage Fish.”


       This series of trainings is excellent preparation for Helpership Training and even for those who are already Helpers.

The blurb that Hiroko wrote for the book also applies to the series of trainings Garbage is Great!:


       It’s normal for us to defend against change in order to survive, but Team Shaw shines a light on this limited state.  Asking if defended living is the only way to go, Garbage is Great! shows us how to “swim through” duality by suffering in a healthy way.  This book inspires us to work to accept life on its own terms as a transitional state and get back on our evolutionary journey toward union.

            – Hiroko Tsukiji-Steinberg, Co-Founder of The 50/50 Work in Japan



           Back of Garbage is Great! with Hiroko's blurb 

              Completed 10 meetings                                         Completed first five meetings

            ~ United with Pearl-fish~                                            Accepting changes! 

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